

contemporary art / history of art

Posts filed under Valentina Furian

The Bolognese City Gates: History and Contemporaneity

ART CITY Bologna: 6 – 16 February 2025 The Special Program of this year’s ART CITY during and after the days of the Arte Fiera focusses in its new edition on the city gates. Originating from the Middle Ages, ten of the formerly 12 historic entries to the town are still existing and are even… (read more)

Proposals ART CITY 2025: 12 + Exhibitions

From 6 to 16 February 2025 the ART CITY will take place in Bologna. It is traditionally a huge offer of exhibitions and art events in occasion of the Arte Fiera (7 to 9 February). This year’s Special Program focusses on the ten still existing city gates, with artworks and installations related to these monuments…. (read more)

2024 revisited

Our Artworks of the Month 2024 where unexceptionally dedicated to photography. Since the first artworks were executed by photographers, we decided to continue with this technique to allow you to see various contemporary approaches. Moreover, we reviewed the Bolognese Art Week 2024 with articles about the uncountable venues of the ART CITY and the ARTE… (read more)

The early days of the ARTE FIERA and its anniversary edition 2024

With its 47th edition the Bolognese art fair ARTE FIERA also celebrated its 50th anniversary. Herewith, the art trade exhibition is Italy’s oldest still enduring art fair. Already the advertising panels at the entry referred to the foundation year 1974. Inside the exhibition halls, a booth with the enlarged pages of the “Numero zero”, the… (read more)

Saturday 3rd February 2024: 9 venues of the ART CITY

As outlined previously, during this year’s ART CITY several exhibitions opened earlier, and even more are lasting longer than the days of the ARTE FIERA. Nevertheless, there were various events, which were only accessible until 4th February 2024. Additionally, there were performances, only taking place on Saturday the 3rd, during the day and evening of… (read more)

The ART CITY 2024 is still ongoing!

Officially, the 12th edition of the Bolognese ART CITY took place from 1st to 4th February 2024 and had its absolute climax on Saturday 3rd February with the White Night. However, many venues opened earlier, and some remain longer. So, the people had and have the possibility to appreciate comfortably more events than only in… (read more)

Preview for the ART CITY: 9 Proposals

In Bologna, the approaching ARTE FIERA is celebrating its 50th anniversary. From February 2nd until the 4th the 47th edition will take place. At the same time, there will be the 12th edition of the ART CITY, all over the town and even outside with its huge program of exhibitions, performances, cinema films and a… (read more)

2023 revisited

  With our Artworks of the Month 2023, we had an unintentional focus on photography, though, there also were collages, a sculpture, an installation and a sculptural installation. The presented artists reflected on nature, urbanity, architecture and much more. Besides that, we visited numerous exhibitions of national and international artists.   January We started the… (read more)

ART CITY 2023: Highlights and more

Like every year, the accompanying program to the Arte Fiera (the Bolognese art fair) was very rich. Even though, taking place during ten days (from 27th January to 5th February) it was impossible to visit all venues. Besides the main program, once more many galleries and cultural institutions participated. Additionally, numerous studios, shops and temporary… (read more)

2022 revisited

  The year 2022 was the year, where life went back to a little bit of normality, even though, there were some reminiscences to the pandemic. However, once more we could travel and appreciate artworks in real. Art fairs reopened and even the postponed Venice Biennale took place.   January Appropriate to the longing to… (read more)

Back again: the 45th ARTE FIERA in Bologna

13 – 15 May 2022 Bologna Fiere This year’s art fair ARTE FIERA in Bologna took place in an unfamiliar time schedule. Instead of January, it was once more postponed due to the pandemic. However, finally in May 2022, the oldest Italian art fair opened its doors and re-found its habitual context. The supporting… (read more)

And if the ART CITY would continue?

From 7 to 15 May 2022 the 10th ART CITY took place in Bologna. Born by a collaboration between the municipality of Bologna and Bologna Fiera as accompanying programme of the Arte Fiera (the Bolognese Art Fair), the ART CITY traditionally takes place in January. Due to the pandemic, this year it was postponed to… (read more)

2021 revisited

2021 was the second pandemic year. Even though several artistic events took place in real live, others were only virtually visitable. At the same time, other activities arose. In consequence, our review mainly shows the artworks of the month. However, there are some exceptions like an online art fair, a postal exhibition and a video-performance…. (read more)

From ART CITY to the Summer Programme of Bologna 2021

Intended as revitalisation of the city’s cultural institutions after the lockdown, the postponed ART CITY could take place from May 7th to 9th in Bologna. Traditionally the ART CITY is the accompanying programme for the city’s art fair in January. Due to the pandemic, it was cancelled. Fortunately, it could be carried out now. Including… (read more)

Artwork of the Month / May 2021

The Pillars of the Earth Virginia Zanetti 2021 print on Canson Baryta 100 cm x 150 cm Edition of 5 + 1 print in 180 cm x 270 cm Virginia Zanetti’s photo “The Pillars of the Earth” is part of an ongoing series with the same name, started in 2016 in India. As in other… (read more)

2020 revisited

  The year 2020 was also in the cultural sector very different from all the other years. After a traditional start in January and February, exhibitions, art fairs and many other art events had been postponed, cancelled or relocated into the virtual space. Still, there were some real exhibitions. Moreover, we presented artist books and… (read more)

The SetUp is still there, but in a new guise

Sono ancora qua. SetUp to be continued Autostazione Piazza XX Settembre 6, Bologna 24 – 26 January 2020 Last autumn Alice Zannoni, co-founder of the SetUp Contemporary Art Fair, announced that there would be no event with this name in 2020. Born in 2013, the alternative trade show for emerging artists and galleries was situated… (read more)

Bologna Art City 2020 – Glances on Realities

For the second part of our Art City tour throughout Bologna, we concentrate on the western area of the city centre. Some exhibitions glance at our present, others are going back in history, partly back into archaic times. There are excursions into dream worlds, human or android; forms or colours are featured and our perception… (read more)

Bologna ART CITY 2020 – part one

Last week, we made some proposals for exhibitions to see during the ART CITY in Bologna, Italy. Now, after the White Night we visited several more venues. Most of them are still open for some time. It is a diverse programme of smaller or bigger shows, where every art lover will find his/her pleasure. For… (read more)

The White Night Bologna 2016 – An Art Promenade

The ART CITY in Bologna is traditionally during the weekend of the Arte Fiera. This year, the multi-event took place from Friday the 29th to Sunday 31st January 2016. These days, dedicated to art and culture in the city are promoted by the Comune di Bologna (Municipality of Bologna) and the BolognaFiere (Fair of Bologna),… (read more)

Before the White Night 2016

Since there is such a big offer of exhibitions and events during the White Night in Bologna, Italy, at the Saturday evening of the Arte Fiera, SetUp Contemporary Art Fair and Art City, several galleries and institutions decided to open their exhibitions a few days earlier. So we want to give you an impression of… (read more)