

contemporary art / history of art

Posts filed under Valentina Furian

The Bolognese City Gates: History and Contemporaneity

ART CITY Bologna: 6 – 16 February 2025 The Special Program of this year’s ART CITY during and after the days of the Arte Fiera focusses in its new edition on the city gates. Originating from the Middle Ages, ten of the formerly 12 historic entries to the town are still existing and are even… (read more)

Artwork of the Month / February 2025

Expiation Patricia Jacomella Bonola 2020 Wool object Ø 80 cm “Expiation” by Patricia Jacomella Bonola is a huge multi-coloured ball of wool. The oversized object has a diameter of 80 cm and the thread is accordingly thick. Only the end of the tread reveals that the most visible thread is composed by a thinner one…. (read more)

Proposals ART CITY 2025: 12 + Exhibitions

From 6 to 16 February 2025 the ART CITY will take place in Bologna. It is traditionally a huge offer of exhibitions and art events in occasion of the Arte Fiera (7 to 9 February). This year’s Special Program focusses on the ten still existing city gates, with artworks and installations related to these monuments…. (read more)

Artwork of the month / February 2020

Rimediazioni Analogiche (Analogue Remediation) Donatella Lombardo   2015 Installation, mixed media 145 cm x 90 cm x 40 cm (support included)   Donatella Lombardo’s installation “Rimediazioni Analogiche (Analogue Remediation)” is a red merchantable typewriter, type Olivetti Valentine with a long white panel of cloth coming out of the platen-roller. Digitally printed on the cloth are… (read more)