

contemporary art / history of art

Posts filed under Yuri Ancarani

ART CITY 2023: Highlights and more

Like every year, the accompanying program to the Arte Fiera (the Bolognese art fair) was very rich. Even though, taking place during ten days (from 27th January to 5th February) it was impossible to visit all venues. Besides the main program, once more many galleries and cultural institutions participated. Additionally, numerous studios, shops and temporary… (read more)

The 59th Venice Biennale: A female look at the world

La Biennale di Venezia 2022 23 April – 27 November 2022   Founded in 1895, the Venice biennale was – until now – dominated by masculine curators and artists. Since 1948, there were 32 male artistic directors and only 3 female. Additionally, there was two times a double curatorship, once a male-female couple, the… (read more)