

contemporary art / history of art

Posts filed under Venice Biennale

2019 revisited

  Another year passed by and we would like to glance to what happened in the last months. We visited numerous exhibitions in Bologna and beyond, starting with the Bolognese Art Week, two Milanese art fairs and the Venice Biennale. Later we reported on exhibitions in Bologna, Florence, Bremen, Ferrara and San Gimignano. Moreover, we… (read more)

Interview with Lars Breuer: (artist, curator, teacher) “We do believe and have always believed that art has to support art.“

The German artist Lars Breuer is not only painter, but as well curator and teacher. His various activities have also an impact on his artistic work. We questioned him about his experiences and his oeuvre. Astrid Gallinat: In addition to your studies of Fine Arts at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf you graduated in art history and… (read more)