

contemporary art / history of art

Posts filed under Yoruba

Biennale di Venezia: Foreigners and Strangers

As already stated in our first article about the main exhibition in the Central Pavilion in the Giardini, also the second part of “Foreigners Everywhere – Stranieri Ovunque” in the Arsenale gives the possibility to discover many – for the most part of the Euroamerican public – unknown artists. These “strangers” are often coming from… (read more)

MIA Fair 2023: Architecture, Trees and other Subjects

MIA Fair (Milan Image Art Fair) 23 – 26 March 2023 Superstudio Maxi, Milan The 12th edition of Italy’s oldest and most important photo fair confirmed its position with 100 exhibitors (80 % galleries), thereof 30 % from abroad. No matter whether the galleries originated in Italy, Europe (France, Germany, Belgium, Hungary, Serbia and… (read more)

Stay connected – a virtual journey to art

The Corona-crisis has changed our lives a lot. Many countries have limited public activities; several are almost totally shut-down. Schools, universities and shops are closed. This stop of public life, also affects cultural institutions like museums, art spaces and galleries. Many cultural operators defy this standstill and take it as a challenge to enhance their… (read more)

Interview with Lars Breuer: (artist, curator, teacher) “We do believe and have always believed that art has to support art.“

The German artist Lars Breuer is not only painter, but as well curator and teacher. His various activities have also an impact on his artistic work. We questioned him about his experiences and his oeuvre. Astrid Gallinat: In addition to your studies of Fine Arts at the Kunstakademie Düsseldorf you graduated in art history and… (read more)

Artwork of the month / January 2019

Bucket & Reflection Cally Lotz 2018 Oil on linen 41 cm x 31 cm The oil painting “Bucket & Reflection” by the Australian painter Cally Lotz shows, as the title indicates, a bucket with reflections. Depicted in a photorealistic manner, the artist placed the metal pail at the right picture half, on a bright support…. (read more)

The Venice Biennale 2017: Water, Reflexion and Histories – three national participations

The 57th Venice Biennale is coming towards its end, an occasion to review three national contributions in the Giardini and the Arsenale. In the Italian Pavilion there are three artists approaching our common memory and present in a magical way. Whereas Geoffrey Farmer in the Canadian Pavilion targets his personal history with a glance to… (read more)