

contemporary art / history of art

Posts filed under Yoruba

Biennale di Venezia: Foreigners and Strangers

As already stated in our first article about the main exhibition in the Central Pavilion in the Giardini, also the second part of “Foreigners Everywhere – Stranieri Ovunque” in the Arsenale gives the possibility to discover many – for the most part of the Euroamerican public – unknown artists. These “strangers” are often coming from… (read more)

Artwork of the Month / March 2022

Sauve qui peut (la vie) (Save who can (the life)) Séverine Gambier 2016 Ancient porcelain and faience plates, Italian glass paste, pearls, beans, glass flowers, resin and patina on a wooden chair 93 cm x 40 cm x 40 cm The sculpture “Sauve qui peut (la vie)” (Save who can (the life)) by Séverine Gambier,… (read more)