

contemporary art / history of art

Posts filed under Yoruba

The 60th Biennale di Venezia: Foreigners and Strangers

As already stated in our first article about the main exhibition in the Central Pavilion in the Giardini, also the second part of “Foreigners Everywhere – Stranieri Ovunque” in the Arsenale gives the possibility to discover many – for the most part of the Euroamerican public – unknown artists. These “strangers” are often coming from… (read more)

The Day of the Contemporary in Bologna (part 1)

On Saturday 7th October was the 19th Day of the Contemporary (Giornata del Contemporaneo) in Italy. Promoted by the AMACI (Association of Italian Museums of Contemporary Art), this countrywide yearly event invites not only museums, but also foundations, public institutions, private galleries, artist spaces and studios to show the vitality of contemporary art. We visited… (read more)

Artwork of the Month / February 2022

Pingyao Irene Kung 2021 Platinum Palladium Print 40 cm x 80 cm on paper 72cm x 112 cm Edition 1 of 25 The black and white photo “Pingyao” by Irene Kung shows a street in the ancient city in China. Due to the well conserved historic buildings dating from the times of the Ming and… (read more)

Exhibition: Christian Jankowski – Where do we go from here?

Galleria Enrico Astuni Via Iacopo Barozzi 3, Bologna 25 May – 28 September 2019 Summer break in August In his solo exhibition, Where do we go from here? in the Bolognese Galleria Enrico Astuni, Christian Jankowski questions about the relation between artist and audience, both, in the traditional physical contact and the virtual way… (read more)