

contemporary art / history of art

Posts filed under Spazio Testoni

Elyse Galiano & Donatella Lombardo – Fil rouge (Red Thread)

Contemporanea 2, Florence, Italy 12 – 27 April 2018 For the exhibition, “Fil Rouge” the Florence gallerist Antonio Lo Pinto invited Elyse Galiano and Donatella Lombardo, two artists with different backgrounds. However, there are common things in the works of both. Formally, the two artists are using – inter alia – textile and thread…. (read more)

Paolo Ghilardi, Marcello Morandini, Alberto Zilocchi: Three artists from the international workgroup for constructive art

In its last year’s spring exhibition the gallery Spazio Testoni in Bologna presented the works of the Italian neo-constructivist Alberto Zilocchi (1931-1991). It was his first post mortem solo show. This year the gallery rediscovered a companion of Zilocchi, Paolo Ghilardi (1930-2014). However, if that would not be enough, Paola Veronese from Spazio Testoni and… (read more)